Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Health Class

I'm climbing up the stairs at work when some fifth graders pass me on their way down moaning a chorus of complaints.

"Ugh, I feel sick"

It doesn't sound serious, but still I feel the need to ask..

"Girls, what's wrong?"

They answer me all at once

"UGH! We just had Health class"
"From the book"
"It was awful"

They keep going downstairs, whining and clutching their stomachs. I stop laughing to call them back. At the bottom of the stairs, they turn to me

"And the worst of it is,"

I pause and lower my voice to an ominous whisper

"It's gonna happen to you"


Anonymous said...

If you really wanted to be cruel, you could have pointed to the skinniest one and said "Except it won't happen to you, because you're underweight."

kiraleo09 said...

i didn't get this one. what did they learn in health class??