Monday, January 26, 2009


I am talking to this guy, we've yet to meet in person but the emails have been a fun distraction. He disappears for a few days, then reappears with this email.

"I'm used to dating women in the top 10%. Do you think you fall into that category?"

My jaw hits my chest, I sputter out a shocked laugh, and wonder whether he deserves a response. I type...

"I have no idea how to respond to that. "

Some part of me hopes that he will find a way to justify what he has said. "God, I realize how crazy and egotistical that sounds, I've just had some bad experiences..." or "Whoops, sorry about that I was smoking crack".

He responds with...

a picture of his ex-girlfriend.

1 comment:

David Stehle said...

Run, don't walk away from that jackass. I'm sure the picture of his ex is a fake. Probably just a snapshot of his ideal dream date he found floating around the web. And if you never met this guy, who is to say he isn't 50 (or maybe 15) years old, 500lbs, balding, unemployed and living in his mother's basement eating baked beans straight from a can 24/7?

Think about it.

If you ask me, I say meet and date the old fashion way. You'll be better off in the end.