Saturday, August 2, 2008


I invite him to my place. I let him carry my bike into the building, admiring his biceps as he does so. We talk about books, and him being angry at a friend. We end up on my love seat with an arty film playing. All the lights are off. And he's not touching me. I flirt, crack suggestive jokes, he plays dumb. If I were someone who ground her teeth, now would be the time to be racking up the dentist bills.

I watch the screen,
rub my eyes,
calculate the time it's been since I've been kissed,)
as I will myself not to make a move.

is not
my virtue.

I think I'm wrong about him. As he says goodbye, I see a spark in his eyes that says "Really? You like me?" and it lights in me an ember of hope.

1 comment:

David Stehle said...

There could be 1 of 3 reasons that explains his behavior, or a combo of these reasons...

#1 He is just not that into you.
#2 He's clueless that you like him.
#3 He has no game.

I would like to think that he likes you, for your benefit. And if he does, well then even if he is clueless that YOU like him, he still dropped the ball in making a move.

Now maybe it wasn't the most romantic setting, but if you are flirting with him and making sexual jokes, then this guy needs to get a clue! So my conclusion that is IF he does like you, then he has no game. And if you would like to see that amber spark, then it looks like YOU will have to start the fire.