Thursday, March 27, 2008

Every time...

Every time I see someone list A Million Little Pieces as a favorite book, I want to scream. The fact that James Frey peddled his fictionalized experience makes me livid. I am agog that after his deceptions were uncovered people would respect him enough as an author (or even a human being) to claim his book as a favorite.

Are you freaking kidding me?

How much of it was fictitious you ask? Please read The Smoking Gun's article to find out.


David Stehle said...

I always wondered if that book is even any good, despite the fact it's all made up.

And I wonder if his tales are even believable? I'm guessing it was good enough to fool Oprah...who by the way, gets on my nerves.

Kira said...

I had a copy (I think I donated it) but I couldn't bear to read it. Before it came out that he was a fake I heard about the scene where he gets a root canal sans anesthesia. At that point I was skeptical.

My take on it is that there are so many amazing memoirists out there, why waste your time with a liar.

honkeie said...

That just proves to me that if you can get Oprah to endorse you, regaurdless of what you are, you will make millions. Her blind followers will do her bidding, I only hope she doesnt start a religion of Oprah.