Saturday, September 1, 2007


I have heard:

First you get out of the hole.

Then when walking down the block with the hole, you try and not fall in.

After awhile you choose another block.

I hate realizing that I haven't chosen another block. I find myself at the bottom of the same hole. Only it's a little shallower this time. I've sustained a few less bruises. My cries for help are quickly answered. No one looks at me and says "You did it, again?". They help me brush the dirt off, and wrap an ace bandage around my ankle. Someone brought neosporin, another has a cartoon bandaid in her purse. I am cared for and fixed up, then a new block is pointed out to me.

1 comment:

t.k.foster said...

The difference of one who is supportive and one who is not is one who will not criticize but be there for you when you do fall.