Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Two Truths and a Lie

Ever heard of this game? It's one of those rinky dink icebreakers. Despite the air of forced socialization, I adore this game. Fact is, I love information. I guess it comes from feeling I never got the full story as a kid. I learned to peek in drawers and ask inappropriate questions. I'd do anything to feel like I had a better grip on the situation. I had no borders or boundaries, no respect for your privacy. I was blessed (?) with roaring curiosity and an innate ability to put things back where I found them.

Today I still the hand that reaches to invade the space of another, but the voracious appetite for dirt remains. Catch my interest and I will collect the bits of yourself that you drop like bread crumbs. Saving it all up for the day I might be hungry. Folding all the facts into the folds of my mind for safekeeping.

So is it any surprise that I like this game? I like that participants must make the facts interesting so to disguise the lie. I like combing my background for bits of funky, sea glass, memory that might distract you from my falsehood. I like knowing more.

Here are the two truths and a lie that I gave today. Please forgive me as they were thought up on the fly. Can you tell which is veritas and mendacium?

I modeled when I was a baby.

I learned to ride a bike when I was 7.

My kindergarten life plan was to become a prima ballerina, marry and have kids, then become a nun after my husband passed away.


t.k.foster said...

This is the false one:

My kindergarten life plan was to become a prima ballerina, marry and have kids, then become a nun after my husband passed away.

We play that game all the time to introduce ourselves. Amazingly the first thing I always say is "I'm incredibly shy" and everyone always thinks that is the one that is false. But it isn't!

Joe C said...

I learned to ride a bike when I was 7.

That's the fake one. You learned at six, I'm guessing.

Kira said...

Names, nope... that was my plan! Needless to say it's changed since.

Joe, well you're partially right. I was 12 ;)

Scarlet said...

You wanted to be a nun? Glad you kicked that habit

(bad joke noise played in the background)

I wanted to be a ballerina, but I grew boobs and buggered my ankle and was told I'd never be able to go up on points... Kinda wrecks the prima ballerina wishes!

Kira said...

Oh Scarlett... I love a good pun. Even if I was slow on the uptake with this one.