Tuesday, August 7, 2007

modern-day progress

Progress is... reading a year-old e-mail and realizing what a dick he was. Realizing he wasn't worth your time, your body, or your thoughts. Progress is not looking at his window when you pass his building, or not even looking at the building. Maybe you'll delete the e-mails soon, but for now progress is deleting him from your myspace page.


David Stehle said...

Delete a rotten ex's old e-mails. I did and you'll feel even better after.

t.k.foster said...

Good for you; everyone has their own way that they do things as luckily we don't all work the same way.

c j. said...

progress is moving to a different country because you don't trust yourself. on second thought, maybe it's not.

Kira said...

Diamond, well... its a lot of e-mails. But its on the agenda. I always feel like I'll gain some insight from them eventually.

Names, thank goodness for the variability of human nature.

CJ, hey everyone has their way of coping. Hehehehe. :D